Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy Holidays...boy I've been gone a while!!!

Where do I begin...

well I spent the weekend before last working on Christmas cards

for my family and friends that turned out like this...

... pretty cute I thought. So, I had the bright idea to take

a picture of the kids together wearing their Santa hats in front

of the Christmas tree for all the grandparents and family

that looked like this...

So far so good! On our way to my dad's house Tuesday night

for his Christmas, we ran by CVS and my hubby drops me off

at the door to run in and print off a couple quick pictures for my

dad, but I never even made it into the building! Only a few steps

across the sidewalk and my feet slipped on the sheet of ice and

down I went catching myself with my head. I'm not sure if the

fall knocked my out or not, but I couldn't see anything for probably

a good 30 seconds. I just remember my husband calling out to me

from the car asking if I was OK, and I responded NO!!!

He said he knew then that I was really hurt, because I always

say that I'm fine. I found out later that my poor girls were in the car

crying because there was a puddle of blood on the sidewalk were my

head hit, and thank goodness my poor little baby Carter was asleep

in his car seat while my hubby and an EMT that just happened to be

walking out of the building helped me sit up.

I found out that I have a concussion (not sure if I spelled that right)

and trying to sit through the holiday parties and all of our families

houses was almost impossible. I hope they can all email me pictures

because I was and still am way too dizzy to take any. That just makes

me want to cry because it's my baby's first Christmas.

So, that's why I haven't posted for a while but now that I'm stuck

here at home and can't drive I'll try to do some catching up.

Hope everyone had a much better week than I did!!!

Happy Holidays All!!!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

My Karate Princess

My sweet Emmy is having a blast in karate!
We signed her up when a dojo opened up recently
just down the road from our house. We thought
that karate would improve Emily's confidence and
self-esteem, and boy we were right...she's thriving!!
Tonight she actually came home with a new badge
for me to sew onto her new blue gi for being able to
do the splits. It's a big deal in her beginner class to
get the colored gi...they all start out with white ones
and when the students can finally do either the
splits or the straddles then they can choose either
a red or blue gi...Emmy chose blue. She is sooo
proud of herself and I am too. I love seeing her
come out of her shell and truely enjoy something
that she thought she would never have the guts to
do. She is learning and just moving right along...only
one more step to go and she will get to be promoted
to the next class and receive her yellow striped belt!
I'm so proud of her!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

That time of year...again!

Oh my goodness! I absolutely love this time of year and all of the
gorgeous decorations, but I really dread this time of year and all
of the decorations too...can anyone relate with that or is it just me?
In our family it is my hubby's job to go out to the garage, find where
he stashed all of the Christmas boxes the year before, and bring them
into the house for me and the girls to set up. Every stinkin year he
goes out to the garage and returns with about 3 or 4 boxes (we have
about 10 Christmas boxes) and promises me that this is it, no more
boxes to be found anywhere. We debate this for about 15 minutes
and then miraculously there are some boxes that seem to appear
from nowhere back in some remote corner of the garage. Well this
year, all boxes have made it into the house except the ones with our
tree lights and ornaments!!! So, our tree is still sitting bare in our
living room and I think my hubby would rather go out and buy new
decorations than have to dig through our garage anymore...oh my my!
Hopefully I look back at all this one day and laugh!!!
So, I am posting pics of the girls putting our tree together last year
because I may not get any this year...wish me luck!!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

December's Layouts for MOXXIE

Here are my layouts that I created this month for MOXXIE.
My assignment was to work with the basketball and wedding
lines. I had a great time making the basketball layout, because
I got to use photos from 4 or 5 years ago of my daughter Becca.
It was just really fun to be able to scrap those older photos and
reminisce about the great times we had watching her play during
her first year of basketball. I also created a basketball frame
cover that I can just switch out with velcro and replace with
the current sport of the season. Becca plays tons of sports
so the velcro and switching of the frame covers
really will come in handy.
Hope you enjoy!