Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Sorry I've been gone...hubby has been in the hospital
with kidney stones a state away!! He was working out
of town for the past month and they hit him over there!
The doctor told him that among the many stones he has
(he's been dealing with this for about 8 years now) he
has one of the largest stones he has seen in one of his
patients about 2cm......OUCH!! So, he had surgery in
IL and is now back with us in IN seeing his own doctor
about the next step because the first surgery was only
semi successful! Oh, it's always something I guess.
Hopefully life will be back to normal in a few days and
I can catch up once again with all of you!!
I hope everyone has a fabulous SPRING BREAK!!!


Jenny B in Indy said...

I've been wondering where you were! I came back from vacation and didn't see any updates which is so unlike you.
You've been missed! Can't wait to see more work from you!

meganklauer said...

So sorry to hear about all that you have goin' on. Sending well wishes your hubbies way!