Friday, May 28, 2010

The Best Night!!

The night before last was the most fun
I've had recently!! It all started out
innocently enough with Carter running
through the hose and splashing in a
bucket as Steve and I watered the flowers.
Next thing we knew, we were having a
full blown all out water fight with
our kids and about five of their
neighborhood friends!!! It was a blast!
Sorry moms and dads for sending the
kiddos home SOAKED but they loved it!
Here's just of few of the photos I
snapped from that evening...

this evening was picture perfect!
The kids were having soooooo much
fun, we bought them all popsicles when
the ice cream truck drove by, and then
they all played hide and seek through
the neighborhood before everyone had
to go in for the night...there's just
nothing better than a spontaneous
water fight when it's 90 degrees
outside and popsicle juice dripping
down your chin!! LOVED IT!
Happy Friday,
LOVES :) -Sarah

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sharing Some More MOMENTA Goodness

Just wanted to quickly post the rest of my
Momenta projects that I finally got
photographed yesterday when the sun
was shining so brightly.....and HOT!
I still have a few more LO's and cards
up my sleeve because I seriously can't
keep my hands off of this product!
The texture of the paper is soooo
fabulous to work with and I just
LOVE creating with it!!

I also really LOVED playing with my photos
on the 'Best Time Ever' layout.
I wanted to give the photos a bit more
of a vintage carni feel and I also
wanted to bring out some teal in them
to go along with the feel of the layout.
Here's my before and after of the
shot I took of the ferris wheel...

& after...

I really like the outcome!
I also played with the colors of the others
so that they become more and more
faded as they approach the bottom of the
page until finally the bottom photo is pretty
much black & white. It's fun to to try new
and different things, I very much enjoy it!
If any of you have done some new
techniques or just stepped out of your
comfort zone lately, I'd appreciate
either hearing about it or seeing your
final result.....don't be shy, SHARE!

LOVES :) -Sarah

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My Weekend Vintage Finds

I LOVE thrift shops, garages sales,
flea markets, etc.....let me repeat,


So, this past weekend was a huge
success as far as vintage finds go
and the best part of all is that I
actually talked my hubby into
going with me! We had a blast!
So, as promised, here are some
photos of my super cute and cool
lovelies that made it home with me.

super fun and colorful plasticware,

an orangey/red plastic pitcher with

a clover shape around the handle &

the flower bowl makes the perfect

popcorn bowl during movie watching

a garden owls because my dad
loved them and collected them when I was
young so that just stuck with me and I think
that this guy looks just lovely sitting amongst
all of my flowers under my backyard tree

these two sweet little lovebird owls
I just couldn't could anyone?

and my best find to date,
this GORGEOUS radio/record player...
the record player of my dreams!
oh how those loved albums will
sound on this beauty!!

again, if anyone has any sort of knowledge
about what year you think this might have
been made I would greatly appreciate
any input!!
More Momenta LO's coming
tomorrow so check back!!
Happy Tuesday,
LOVES :) -Sarah

Monday, May 24, 2010

Sharing Some MOMENTA Layouts

These are my first official pages for MOMENTA!
I received my box of goodies last week and have
been creating off and on every since (had to break
to play with the kiddos outside because this past
week has been GORGEOUS!!). I knew this
looked super cute when I saw it online, but now
that I can see it in person and touch all of the
textures in my very own hands, I LOVE it even
more!! The texture and even embossing on
some of the paper is fabulous and gives so many
options for projects! The colors are beautiful
and I'm totally in love with the Family Ties
and Flutter lines...make sure you check these
out on their site! It's tons of fun to play with!

Also, I just wanted to share some really cute
photos of Emmy & Carter playing in the rain
over the weekend. I know, I said that the
weather had been beautiful (and it was)
but for about five minutes we had a little
summer rain that I allowed the kids to stay
outside and play in and the sun came out
immediately after. Carter is completely
obsessed with water right now, so he mostly
just wanted to play in the stream coming
from our downspout but I still managed to
get some pretty cute shots!

Check back soon, I plan to post more LO's
that I just haven't photographed yet and
also my new record player and garage
sale finds from this past weekend!
The record player is totally gorgeous
and now I get to start that album
collection that I've always wanted!!

Have a wonderful Monday,
Loves :) - Sarah

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Some Pics...

Hi everyone!!
It was such a beautiful day here in central
Indiana. My hubby and I hit some garage
sales, flea markets, and thrift shops this
morning and then stopped for lunch at our
local hot dog stand. Carter had a ton of fun
helping us search through tables and bins
for just the perfect treasures to bring home.
I found a fabulous vintage record player
console and I think it was made in the
early 60's because it still has those very
cool bulbs inside the cabinet that have
to light up and heat up when you have
the power turned on...I LOVE IT!!
If anyone knows much about these
I would love to get your opinion on it
about when you think it was made...
I'll post pics probably tomorrow or the
next day when my hubby goes back to
pick it up. For now I have a couple
photos of Steve and Carter playing in
the field behind our neighborhood...
Carter LOVES being outside soooo much
and just can't take being inside on such
a gorgeous day like today! I'm working
on a layout with these photos as I type!
I'll post pics of that soon too...working
with my new MOMENTA goodies and
I'm loving the way it's all coming together!

Have a wonderful evening,

Busy Working...

I've been busy busy busy working on projects
with my new MOMENTA supplies that I just
received a couple days, while I'm
working and don't have photos of any of the
projects yet I thought that I'd post a giveaway
by Sarah de Guzman that she is doing over on
her blog. She is one of the fabulous designers
for Imaginisce and is giving away one of their
new very cute! So, head on over and
subscribe to her blog and leave a comment
for your chance to win some yummy goodies!

Have a wonderful Thursday,


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Pink Ninja Blog Hop

Check this out!
Great inspiration and totally FABULOUS kits!

Happy Sunday,


An AMAZING Giveaway!!

Check out here for an insanely awesome GIVEAWAY!!

Friday, May 14, 2010


Happy Friday everyone!!

I just wanted to share one more LO with you all
before I scadaddle for the weekend.
I've been holding onto this photo for about a
month trying to figure out the best way to
scrap it and last night I finally just dove in
and got it done! I actually printed two photos
and placed one down flat and then cut just the
shoes and Carter's legs out of the second photo
then popped up the top of his shoes so that
there is a gradual rise from his ankles to the
tips of the shoes. I know the photos don't show
this too wonderfully but in person it really
makes the backwards shoes POP! I also used
tons of scraps for this LO that were just lying
around on my desk, I do this quite often,
and the background sheets are from DCWV
and SassafrassLass. There are lots of little
extras everywhere on this page so I took
multiple shots to give you all a better look.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Card Kick!!

I've totally been on a card kick lately,
I'm not really sure why, but I've just
really been wanting to stock up on my
card collection here at home and at
the store. I'm really loving these...

Have a wonderful Thursday evening!
I'm off to my daughter's band concert!!